Caught on Cam: Man steals sanitiser from ATM; netizens call him ‘Kleptomaniac’

Speed News Desk 3 May 2021, 9:36 IST

Caught on Cam: Man steals sanitiser from ATM; netizens call him ‘Kleptomaniac’

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several incidents have been reported where people have stolen the sanitiser kept either in an ATM or any other public place. One such incident went viral on social media in which a man can be seen stealing sanitiser from an ATM.

The viral video was shared by and Indian Police Service (IPS) Officer Dipanshu Kabra. In the 33-second clip, the man collected his card after collecting the money dispensed by the ATM.

Later, he turned towards the exit door and spotted the bottle of sanitiser kept on the side of the machine. Therefore, he picked the bottle without looking here and there and left the place after putting the sanitiser bottle in his bag.

Also Read: Pakistani journalist shares video of man stealing ‘sanitiser’ from ATM; Twitter can’t stop laughing

However, the whole incident was caught on CCTV which was later surfaced on the Internet.
IPS officer posted the video with a caption, “These are kleptomaniac”. He has also given a hashtag, “#HumNahiSudhrenge”.

Watch Viral Video


Meanwhile, the man in the video has been criticized by social media users and is demanding to take action against the man for stealing sanitiser during a critical situation.

Here are the comments wrote by netizens:


The video has been viewed over 30k times and received 2,888 likes, 599 retweets on Twitter.
What do you think about this act?

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